Hotel Deals

Online Hotelbuchung Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen BDK Wiesbaden 2024

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Showing 1-4 of 4 items.
zu wenig hotel description not available


location description not available
Duration by car: 5 minutes
Distance to RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC): 1,3 km

Distance / duration by public transport: approx. 1,3 km / 5 minutes
(according to calculation by Google Maps API incl. footpaths, varies according to time of day)
1 adult starting from EUR 105,00
zu wenig hotel description not available


location description not available
Duration by car: 4 minutes
Distance to RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC): 1,1 km

Distance / duration by public transport: approx. 1,1 km / 4 minutes
(according to calculation by Google Maps API incl. footpaths, varies according to time of day)
1 adult starting from EUR 184,00
2 adults starting from EUR 208,00
zu wenig hotel description not available


location description not available
Duration by car: 13 minutes
Distance to RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC): 9,8 km

Distance / duration by public transport: approx. 9,8 km / 13 minutes
(according to calculation by Google Maps API incl. footpaths, varies according to time of day)
1 adult EUR 90,00
2 adults EUR 110,00
zu wenig hotel description not available


location description not available
Duration by car: 18 minutes
Distance to RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC): 11,9 km

Distance / duration by public transport: approx. 11,9 km / 18 minutes
(according to calculation by Google Maps API incl. footpaths, varies according to time of day)
1 adult EUR 147,00
2 adults EUR 167,00

©AVANTEL Hotelreservierung GmbH 2024 Impressum Language: en-US